Will you prayerfully consider
supporting our ministry?
Please allow the Lord to touch your heart to donate to
Revival Temple and support the work of the Lord.
Keep us in your prayers - Pastor Whitley
Please donate today to the
Revival Temple Church of God in Christ ministry.
The easiest way to give during this time will be using CashApp, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple Store (iPhone). Once downloaded, use the following information to send contributions: CashApp Tag: $RTChurch
You may visit the following site to give contributions to Revival Temple C.O.G.I.C.: https://onrealm.org/revivaltempleco/-/give/now
Text RTCOGIC to 73256 to give using your mobile device.
Mail Contributions To:
Revival Temple COGIC
Post Office Box 791
Troy, NC 27371
Make all Checks or Money Orders Payable to:
Revival Temple COGIC
Thank You in advance and May God Bless You.